COMP 402
- Honours
Project in Biology and Comp. Science
credits over two consecutive semesters)
Welcome to COMP 402 – the undergraduate research component of the CS&Bio joint honours! This class will be utterly unlike most other
classes you've taken. During this
course, you will conduct a research project under the guidance of a professor
(typically from either Computer Science or Biology).
and Prerequisites
Restriction: Only for students in the honours
joint major in computer science and biology.
Prerequisites: 9
credits of COMP courses and 9 credits of BIOL courses.
My name is Yue Li – I'm a professor in Computer Science and, more
importantly, I am the designated instructor for COMP 402 this semester. In this course, my job is to (1) ensure that
each student is well situated to complete a solid research project and (2) participate
in evaluating your research at the end of the semester (which culminates in
your final grade).
You're welcome to come see me throughout the semester. I don't have official office hours for this
class, so please send me an email if you'd like to meet and we'll find a time
that works for both of us.
Office: Trottier 3105
Course Structure
COMP 402 is a two-semester course. In most
cases, this will mean working on the same research project with the same
supervisor for these two semesters. Under certain unexpected circumstances,
changing research and/or supervisor between the two semesters would be possible;
please contact me before the end of the first semester if you think you need to
make a change.
Your COMP 402 experience will primarily stem
from the research that you do. As a
result, the structure of this course is built around making that time as focused
and productive as possible. With this in
mind, the course will proceed through the three stages described below.
Semester 1, Weeks 1-3:
Finalize project proposal
Identify a supervisor and a project.
Ideally, you will identify a supervisor on your own; this could be any
professor working in biology, genetics, biochemistry, biophysics,
biostatistics, or bioinformatics (or any other area that combine computer
science and life science). If you have great difficulties finding a potential
supervisor, please let me know quickly; I should be able to help. Once you've
found a supervisor and narrowed in on a project, you'll write up a 1-page
project proposal. You'll submit this to
me and I'll use it to evaluate whether your research project satisfies the
(relatively flexible) guidelines of the course.
I'll be checking projects for three criteria:
Scope: is this
project something that can be plausibly completed in two semesters?
Merit: is this
project sufficiently interesting/open that it counts as research?
Topicality: Your project
should involve a substantial amount of computer science research (e.g.
algorithmic and software development) to address a problem arising from the
analysis of biological data.
In your proposal, please make sure that you provide enough information
for me to evaluate this. It is possible
that I’ll ask you to clarify or revise certain aspects of the proposal. This is why I have two deadlines (see below)
for the project proposal. The first
deadline is the time by which you must submit a proposal. The second deadline is the time by which we
must have finalized the proposal (i.e., you’ve addressed any concerns or
comments I have about the project).
In general, if you find a supervisor in the CS&Bio
area, you shouldn't have a problem at all with this phase. Most often, your supervisor will provide you
with a project idea which you'll work on.
So you don't have to come to COMP 402 with any particular project ideas
of your own.
Typically, you'll
submit your project proposal and I'll immediately approve it – at which point
you move onto the next stage. If I don't
approve it, then we'll discuss my concerns and iterate on it until it's something
we're both comfortable with.
Semester 1, Weeks 4-13:
Conduct your research under your supervisor’s direction. Meet with him/her regularly as agreed between
the two of you. I'm not involved in this at all.
Semester 1, Last day of
class: Intermediate report
Submit your intermediate project report.
Project reports should be at least 5 pages (not including figures and
bibliography). A report should be
written in the style of a journal publication – meaning that it should include
the following sections: Introduction, Background, Methods, Results, Discussion,
and Conclusions. A bibliography is
essential and must be included. Your
project report will be lightly graded on presentation and with most emphasis placed
on content. It's expected that you write
your report with feedback from your advisor prior to submitting it to me (this
will help with presentation and content).
Note that I don't expect this to be a perfect, publication-worthy
manuscript – but I expect it to be written well enough for me to understand
what you did, why it was important, and so forth.
Semester 2, weeks 1-13:
Continue to do research with your supervisor, unless this is not
possible, in which case alert me immediately.
Semester 2, Last day of
class: Final report
Submit the final version of your project report, describing your
findings from the two semesters. The project report should be at least 10 pages
and should follow the same format and guidelines as the intermediate report,
upon which it should build.
Key Deadlines
1. Sept. 25 2020: Project proposal due.
2. Oct. 2 2020: Final
project proposal due.
Dec. 7
2020: Intermediate project report due.
Dec. 7
2020: If changes are needed in project direction or supervisor, alert me.
April 15
2021: Final project report due
Expected workload
In accordance with the number of credits
associated to the course, the expected workload is 9 hours per week over 26
Your grade will be determined as follows:
30% grade given by
supervisor at the end of Semester 1
30% grade given by supervisor at the end of Semester 2
15% grade by instructor
on intermediate report
25% grade by instructor
given on final report
Policy Statements
McGill University values
academic integrity. Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and
consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code
of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures ( for more information).(approved
by Senate on 29 January 2003)
McGill attache une haute
importance à l’honnêteté académique.
Il incombe par conséquent à
tous les étudiants de comprendre ce que l'on entend par tricherie, plagiat et autres infractions académiques, ainsi que les conséquences que peuvent avoir de telles actions, selon le Code de conduite de l'étudiant et des procédures disciplinaires (pour
de plus amples renseignements,
veuillez consulter le site
In accord with McGill University’s
Charter of Students’ Rights, students in this course have the right to submit
in English or in French any written work that is to be graded.”(approved
by Senate on 21 January 2009 - see also the section in this document on
Assignments and evaluation.)
à la Charte des droits
de l’étudiant de l’Université
McGill, chaque étudiant a
le droit de soumettre en français ou en
anglais tout travail écrit devant être noté
(sauf dans le cas des cours dont l’un
des objets est la maîtrise d’une langue).
(This document was adapted from Derek Ruths’
COMP 401 Winter 2015 syllabus)